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Evaluation Services

Subsequent Injuries Benefits Trust Fund (SIBTF)

A fund established and administered by the California Division of Workers Compensation.

Who qualifies for SIBTF?
Injured workers qualify for SIBTF benefits if they fall under the requirements of Labor Code 4751. This requires that the injured worker have a pre-existing disability which predates the compensable industrial injury. The pre-existing disability needs to be labor disabling or ratable. The pre-existing disability can be industrial or non-industrial. The combined effects of the pre-existing disability and the subsequent injury must be greater than or equal to 70% and the combination of both disabilities must be greater than just the effect of the subsequent injury alone.
What is the purpose of the fund?
The purpose of the fund is to encourage employers to offer employment to workers with pre-existing disabilities and encourage workers with pre-existing disabilities to seek employment.
Where do we fit in?
Medical Legal Evaluators provides case management and evaluation services in multiple specialties, carried out by well trained physicians who understand how to document labor disablement. The product - a single easy to read comprehensive rating report.
Where do we fit in?
We understand the waterfront, job descriptions, work restrictions and treatment needs of injured workers. Our providers write well substantiated reports, which results in majority of cases settling outside of the courtroom. When our experts do go to court; however, their testimonies are solid and backed up with medical evidence. Our experts provide services to both sides of the bar.

Longshore and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act

A fedreal law for employees disabled from on the job injuries that occur on the navigable waters of the United States


Expert Witness

Defense Base Act cases are challenging. We understand how important it is for you to have the right expert for the right case. We have a panel of experts who are familiar with DBA claims and properly evaluating, documenting and testifying regarding causation of injury, temporary disability, appropriate treatment and factors of disability related to the civilian jobs with the US Military.

Where do we fit in?
Our experts are prepared to do a thorough evaluation in specialties of Orthopedic, Pain Medicine, Internal Medicine, Psychiatry, Psychology or Neuropsychology. We have a panel of experts who will stand behind every word in their report when placed on the stand. Our experts provide services to both sides of the bar.
Where do we fit in?
We have physicians in multiple specialties who are comfortable with evaluating the impact of an injury on the client's level of functioning and the residual impact on earning capacity and quality of life. Our panel consists of physicians and vocational experts who are experienced in putting together causation analyses, disability analyses and care plans as well as determining actual impact of the injury on the claimant. They testify in Federal and State courts and are comfortable breaking down their findings to juries. You can count on our experts standing behind every word they put into their reporting. Our experts provide services to both sides of the bar.



Personal Injury cases, including third party liability cases can be complex. Causation of injury determinations affect liability of a particular payer and long term effects of the injury on the claimant's quality of life and earning capacity have to be taken into consideration by the medical and vocational experts.

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